Some of the world's leading researchers, experts, and writers will provide the Learning Tapestry

iunie 1, 2024
The Future of Education Conference with unique access to essential information on systems thinking, the importance of experiential and project-based learning, and building resilience in organizations   Audiences will discover the science behind adopting an empathetic business and leadership style, but hands-on lessons through which they will implement the techniques they learn  
  • The conference serves as a dynamic platform for corporate leaders, policymakers, innovators, and business people to come together and collectively explore the urgent need to redefine the skills that are needed now and in the future.
  • On the first day, speakers will provide insights on topics such as leadership, social-emotional education, emotional intelligence, and cultivating compassion.
  • On the second day, experts will participate in workshops designed as immersive experiences, where they will explore concepts and translate them from theory into practice.

The Learning Tapestry. The Future of Education Conference, which will take place on 5 and 6 June in Bucharest is a learning opportunity for entrepreneurs and leaders who understand the importance of developing essential skills today, in today's fast-paced and highly dynamic environment, such as systems thinking, adopting an empathetic leadership style, building and developing resilience in organizations and companies, the importance of a form of socio-emotional education that supports experiential learning and teamwork.

"The way the world has changed over the last decades, the interconnectivity, the speed of radical change, the access to an abundance of information that often does not pass through any filter before it reaches the public space, the changes in value systems, the re-evaluation of what quality of life means, as well as people's reaction, communities and humanity in general to all this have led to the conclusion that the citizen of the future, in order to be a happy and balanced human being, needs to develop a set of universally valid attitudes and behaviors - attentiveness, resilience, compassion, involvement, curiosity, wisdom, courage, awareness, the ability to be a support to others", explains Doina Grigoras, facilitator in socio-emotional and ethical education, Verita Foundation.

Leaders who are passionate about building businesses need to be able to rethink their relationships with their employees, sometimes multiple times throughout the lifecycle of their business, while maintaining the values they want their community to follow.

On the other hand, the role of the entrepreneur has become more complex than just building a business and strengthening it: they need to understand the interdependence of the business environment and its value in society, to build resilient and emotionally stable teams that they lead through compassion.

"This event is designed for change-makers to engage in a series of experiences that will give them the tools they need to create real, systemic, personal transformation. Participants will engage in a series of meaningful conversations with international experts, researchers, writers, and neuroscientists", explains Richard Joannides, founder of Verita International School and organizer of Learning Tapestry. The Future of Education.

"The Verita Foundation's invitation to join us as a partner in the Learning Tapestry, The Future of Education conference honours us. We are delighted that in the Verita International School & Kindergarten team we have found a trusted partner with whom we will provide every family in the complete suburb of Amber Forest and throughout the Northern Capital Region with the opportunity to access a unique educational experience. The partnership underscores the shared values we share and Alesonor's commitment to developing sustainable communities that provide high quality amenities and services for a sustainable lifestyle, and an outstanding educational environment," said Alex Skouras, Co-Founder & Managing Partner Alesonor.

At the conference, business people and leaders will be exposed to international experts such as Dr. BJ Miller - an expert in holistic wellness and building a meaningful life; Dr. Maurice J. Elias - international expert in social-emotional and behavioural development, Rutgers University (USA); Christa Tinari - educational leader, international trainer in social-emotional education, The Garisson Institute (USA); Ryder Delaloye - Associate Director for SEE Learning® (social-emotional and ethical learning), Emory University (USA); Timothy Harrison - Associate Director for CBCT® (Cognitive Approach Compassion Training), Emory University (USA).

Dave Snowden, international expert in organizational, government and business strategy, will explore emerging challenges facing leaders, educators and members of society. Dave Snowden is the founder of the Cynefin Centre for Organisational Complexity, which helps governments and organisations understand and address the complexity of their environment. Through his work, Dave helps governments, public institutions, companies, and organizations make informed decisions and effectively navigate future challenges.

"Resilience systems adapt through constant change over time and you might look at them 10 years later and say it's not the same company. Actually, it is, it has a continuous identity over time. So resilience is about creating a company or organisation that can survive events that you can't anticipate today. There are a number of things you can do as a leader that will make you and your organisation resilient, and at the top of the list is forward thinking," explains Dave Snowden.

The event is organized by the Verita Foundation, the Verita International School and the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-based Ethics at Emory University (Atlanta, USA) and will explore topics on curriculum and pedagogy redesign, social-emotional learning and compassion in education, automation in learning, adapting to new labour market demands, environmental sustainability.

Tickets can be purchased on the event website:

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